• @ShortBoweledClown@lemmy.one
    103 months ago

    where a similar “uncommitted” option took about 13% and 19% of the vote in the Democratic primary, respectively.

    In Wisconsin, “uninstructed delegation” represented 8.5% of the vote on the Democratic side as of 11:45 p.m. Tuesday night

    It is by definition a minority movement.

    • LinkOpensChest.wavM
      43 months ago

      Yet, hopefully it’s enough that it’s sending the message that you can’t just commit genocide, bolster a fascist border agency and policy, and expect to be re-elected. Some people have empathy, while others are harmed firsthand by his actions and policies. More than doubling the margin from your last election should hopefully be a wake up call to make yourself electable.

      Imagine my city’s mayor shooting my husband dead in front of my eyes and then asking for my vote in the next election.

    • @whoreticultureOPM
      23 months ago

      It’s a HUGE movement. Double the amount of people voted uncommitted this year’s primary than voted FOR Biden in last year’s election. It’s enough to make a difference.

      • @ShortBoweledClown@lemmy.one
        3 months ago

        Double the amount of people voted uncommitted this year’s primary than voted FOR Biden in last year’s election

        From the article.

        Voters who chose “uninstructed delegation” in Wisconsin’s presidential primary Tuesday more than doubled the 20,682 votes President Joe Biden won the state by in 2020, sending a warning sign for his reelection chances in the battleground state.

        First, there wasn’t an election last year. Second, the number of people who voted “uninstructed delegation” doubled the margin he won by (aka the difference between Biden and Trump’s tally).

        Biden had 506,969 votes, or 88.6%.

        You are literally wrong on everything you said.

        Edit: the 506K is this year. 1.63M was the number of votes Biden received in the 2020 election in WI. source

        • LinkOpensChest.wavM
          33 months ago

          You are literally wrong on everything you said.

          This is a false statement and reeks of debatebro. Please remove this from your comment.

          The OP is not incorrect about “literally everything” unless you’re denying the reality that Biden has lost popularity, and that a significant number of voters in the primary have made clear why this is happening.

            • LinkOpensChest.wavM
              3 months ago

              We don’t behave like this in this community. Keep the personal attacks in toxic shitholes on .world, not here.

              And again, “literally everything” is objectively wrong. Go be wrong elsewhere.

              Edit: Looks like they deleted their account. Troll confirmed.

        • @whoreticultureOPM
          3 months ago

          Yeah, it was the margin, and it was the last election not last year, I misspoke. Sorry for fucking up the specifics over breakfast lol. Obviously I know we didn’t have an election last year, but it’s cool you got to feel smart for a sec!!

          The difference is huge, big enough to influence the election. Your debate bro energy isn’t helping anything, but thank you for quoting the article bc it really just furthers my point. This is a huge coalition.