This implies things are actually getting done (dancing). It’s more of like something else shows up, blindfolds the angel and devil, then convinces them both to get into an argument.
You don’t get things done? Man, if my ADHD is flaring up, I start like fifteen projects and get each one at most 10% done, get frustrated, and end up playing video games and eating ice cream. That’s like 150%!
This implies things are actually getting done (dancing). It’s more of like something else shows up, blindfolds the angel and devil, then convinces them both to get into an argument.
You don’t get things done? Man, if my ADHD is flaring up, I start like fifteen projects and get each one at most 10% done, get frustrated, and end up playing video games and eating ice cream. That’s like 150%!
It’s more like let’s get some good but utterly unimportant stuff done