• TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Your acting like it’s my vote that’s on the line as if I’m the one you have to convince. Bro, criticizing Joe Biden doesn’t mean I’m not going to vote for him; in fact, criticism and forcing him to respond to the fact that no one in his party likes his Gaza policies is the only thing keeping him viable.

    Stop being a fucking cheerleader. You are making him less likely to win with your brow beating approach to rhetoric. The fact is the Democrats simply fucking suck at governing and have frankly don’t jack shit for their voters since before Obama. You have to address that in your rhetoric as to why one should support Biden. If you can’t convince people to get off the couch, you lose. And your dip shit approach about the other side isn’t working. It needs to be about why Biden is better or you’ve failed, so fucking figure it the fuck out. His polling is in the tank. The only thing we can really do is ramp up the criticism and force Joe Biden to be a better candidate, because if left to his own devices, he’s already lost.