• Palestine 🇵🇸
  • Ukraine 🇺🇦
  • Uyghers
  • Indiginous peoples
  • Black lives and people of color ❤️🖤💚✊
  • The trans community 🏳️‍⚧️
  • The queer community 🏳️‍🌈
  • @zbyte64
    363 months ago

    This one is spicy but it does work on many levels. Manufacturing consent exists, so unless your system is Anarchism, it doesn’t really reflect the “will” of the people.

  • @Deestan@lemmy.world
    153 months ago

    You already deleted the previous post because of backlash, and said it was not something you wanted. Why repeat it?

    • @spujb@lemmy.cafeOP
      173 months ago

      just because i deleted my post doesn’t mean im just cool with the hateful dialogue going on.

      i stand by this one to a greater degree as it’s more thought out, more transparent, and posted with direct intent to call out bigotry (rather than with the intent of entertainment as the last one was).

      • @zbyte64
        3 months ago

        I mean lots do, but once they get too big for their britches they tend to Epstein themselves or unalived by police. Should more of us act up in response? Sure. However, we’re the heartland of manufacturing consent and that system is effective. Activists die all the time in the USA, you just rarely hear much about them.

  • @Pan_Ziemniak@midwest.social
    63 months ago

    US leads world culture, if the past is any indication. If we get royally fucked here, expect the same to come everywhere else.

    I mean, “my people are literally dying.”

    • @spujb@lemmy.cafeOP
      193 months ago

      a country’s leadership is not its people. trans teens who are dying did not “put themselves in this position.” the same way Gazan infants are not responsible for their own oppression, starvation and death, nor the people of Ukraine.

      this is the point of the post and it’s crazy to nevertheless see your response be “cry harder”? incredibly disrespectful.

      • Hjalmar
        33 months ago

        No, but the Gazan people doesn’t have any power over it’s government. Meanwhile you guys in the US live in one of the worlds most democratic countries (29 most democratic*) and therefore have alot of power over your government. Sure trans teens don’t have voting rights but on the grand scheme of things their a small minority of the US population and a majority of everyone in the US has indeed voted in support for their leaders.

        Democracy only works if the people are invested in it and care about their rights. If they don’t care the democracy will crumble. Democracy ain’t something you gain and then have forever, you have to look after it and take care of it. Saying that you don’t have any power and refusing to take action is not magicaly going to give you the power you find yourself lacking.

        “Cry harder” feels a bit rude though. Maybe you could instead have a nice day and try to change politics for the better.

        * from the Economists democracy index 2023. Palestine was in place 115

        • @spujb@lemmy.cafeOP
          103 months ago

          where on earth are you drawing this “refusing to take action” from? just a bit confused by your turn there because you were going strong at first; this post is in no way encouraging apathy! :)

          stamets’ “cry harder” comment was pretty obscene though and i thank you for recognizing this.

          • Hjalmar
            33 months ago

            That’s just the feeling I got from your post; making memes online and finding yourself powerless without doing anything. But ofc I can’t back that up…

            Sorry for that (:

        • @Aphelion@lemm.ee
          93 months ago

          Living in the US for most of my life, and voting in every election, I can tell you your assumptions are incorrect: a few states control most of the power here due to the electoral college, and everything down to state and local initiatives gets lobbied into the ground by special interests.

          • Hjalmar
            33 months ago

            a few states here control most of the power here due to the electoral college

            Yes I’m indeed aware of that. It’s a way of electiong representatives and it has a lot of implications (most notably the two party system), good and bad. Doesn’t really change things though it’s just a different (and weird) way to do democracy

            And everything down to state and local initiatives gets lobbied into the ground by special interests.

            Yeah, I have nothing to say about that. It really seems like a big pain but I’m having a really hard time imagining what it’s like since we don’t have that much lobbying here in Sweden, it feels really absurd for me.

    • NoIWontPickAName
      93 months ago

      In what way does this come near to glorifying the us?

      Why would whoever made this comic disagree with you and post this?

  • @uriel238
    33 months ago

    Anarcho-communist movements do exist and actually work.

    They also get continuously assaulted by militias and law enforcement departments financed by plutocratic interests.

    Our oligarchs aphave shown they’d sooner scorch the earth than give up their power and become one of the commons. In fact, they are literally doing so.

    Our species just may not me into massive cooperative states, until we figure out a sociological trick to get the to favor lifting everyone (including themselves) rather than being satisfied they can kick at lower rungs of the hierarchy.

    But we really like dominance hierarchy and are glad to perpetuate it from schoolyard bullying to tribal genocide. Our primal drives to other and kill each other is currently beating out reason. My own hope is skeptical.

    • @spujb@lemmy.cafeOP
      133 months ago

      the cool thing about having respect for human lives is that it doesn’t operate conditionally. glad to amaze you ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

    • @TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
      93 months ago

      It’s amazing to see people like you who think queer people wouldn’t oppose ethnic cleansing. If you think we’d support genocidal fascists just because they’re Jewish, you have a Fox News level understanding of marginalized groups.

      You can dislike the reactionaries in a society without thinking the society should be destroyed by external reactionaries. The gay people in Gaza don’t deserve to die because they were unlucky enough to be born in a conservative county. Imperialist conquest is more likely to increase bigotry against us rather than decrease it.

      There’s no justification for anyone to support that genocide. It’s not only evil as fuck, but a bad idea for everyone. It’s why the US has grown cold on Israel recently; they’re a liability at this point.