My elderly neighbor was struggling to use her front door because the walkway had pulled away from the porch.
So I ordered some hand rails and got some pavers and made her a half step so she can safely use her front door and walk her dog.
That’s a very good thing you did.
You are a hero. I managed recently to injure myself enough that I’m in some pretty severe pain, and can’t do many of the usual things I just don’t even think about generally. It’s not that hard to remind myself “don’t use that fucking arm!” but it’s been brutal to me mentally because of the independence factor.
You gave your elderly neighbor back a ton of independence, and that makes more difference than you might expect to a person. Thanks for looking out for your neighbor.
Thank you! She tried to pay me like $500 for the work, and I had to return all the extra money after the cost of materials and explain that the Labor was the gift. Lots of tears. She is super sweet, lost her husband at the start of Covid and has children, but none of them are really independent. So we keep an eye on her and I send my kids over to assist any time she needs it.
Haha that dog is giving the “hurry up” face
Good work, anon
Beautiful work! Very kind thing to do.
Thanks it’s my first “masonry” project so I was happy that it looked as good as it does. I’m going to go over it with a wire brush to clean it up a bit more.
A couple weeks ago I was walking home, and had just crossed a road, and as the traffic lights changed to let the cars go, I hear someone honking. A few more seconds later, more cars joined in just in case one car honking wasn’t enough to fix the situation. At the front of the line of traffic there is a guy in an SUV who looked flustered. I can see his headlights periodically dimming, which I assume is him trying to start his car. I walked up to his window and asked “Hey, do you want a push?” which he replied “yes, please”. When I walked to the back of the vehicle and leaned against people finally stopped honking. It took all of 15 seconds or so to get him to the side of the road. Before walking away, I simply asked him if he was all set. He gave me a relieved “yeah. thank you”, I continued home, and didn’t really think about it until just now when I read your question.
Small acts of kindness are under appreciated. Nice work
Offered an ear to a stranger who got a cancer diagnosis. Enabled a notification override for that discord convo so if they ever take me up on that, I’ll get it.
It sounds like its something treatable, as they were talking about working while dealing with it, but still, that’s stressful AF. Cancer is scary.This isn’t much, but its the latest. Kinda feels nice to realize I did a nice thing even though I’m broke and physically struggling with stuff right now, so thanks.
I think that’ll help me get back to sleep here, actually.
Was waiting to buy coffee and the staff had clocked a homeless guy trying to shoplift a small packet of crisps and kicked him out, so I left without buying anything and gave him £20 instead.
I rarely leave the house, but when I do I make it a point to always give some money to folks I come across who are having a rough time.
I help fix people’s cars and make them only pay for parts. I have a shit vehicle I can give to them while it happens. I give my neighbors rides. I jump the cars, I air up their tires. I donate to food not bombs, and I feel like I should volunteer there. Feel free to ask for car advice, worst case I say I don’t know :)
Depending on how you define good and did it was either listen to a coworkers talk about their inner demons when it comes to being a parent, or I drove an hour to help out a neighbor who asked a few minutes before we started driving.
You’re amazing! What a great thing you do!
Send my friend some money to order soup because they was sick and I didn’t have their address to order it to them
Is it a good thing if I gave a cigarette to a homeless person who asked?
Yes, but quit smoking jackass. Given that one of the other replies in this thread is about cancer. If you stop posting there will be noticeably less comments on Lemmy.
I have cancer and I give pernission to smoke if he wants to.
(I don’t smoke)
If a pack of cigarettes is opened in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it still make that rhythmic slapping sound as they get tamped down?
Yes, from where I sit. That’s one of the few sources of enjoyment and relaxation they have.
You should have given him heroin instead.
I am paid to make workout plans for individuals and coach them.
I have a few college friends who all started running about a year ago, have each lost 30-40lb and they’re super excited to be making this change in their late 20s rather than going into 30 being sedentary.
I’ve been coaching and making strength training plans for them for free, I update them as needed every couple weeks and I’m in touch with them all the time to help out. I’m just happy they’re so excited about exercise, which is something I’m passionate about. I couldn’t care less that it’s not paid work.
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If your aunt’s abusive boyfriend tries to sue you and your mom’s boyfriend out of inheriting your grandad’s shotgun, you might be a real-life Jeff Foxworthy bit
I’m sorry about your mom!
Two days ago, a large male deer blocked the entry to church, and I was able to drive it into leaving.
Ol’ Horned Head messing with the Christians again, I swear.
But seriously that could have been a dangerous situation for folks. Good on ya.
“Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to learn about our Lord and Savior Deersus?”
Ignored my MIL trying to send me home from her hospital bedside, and stayed with her through the night. The floor was understaffed, and they had her hooked to an IV and also gave her a strong diuretic. Nurses weren’t getting to her in time for her to make it to the bathroom every 5 minutes. And she’s wobblier after surgery than she realized. She needed help with all the up and down.
All she wanted was to go home, but didn’t realize if she’d fallen, they would have extended her stay by a few more days.
Ensured a lady got a medical appointment so she didn’t lose her job in a timely fashion. She was so grateful she bought me a candle and some of her homemade jam, it was so sweet.
Gave a homey all my Dogecoin I had held since 2014 so he could pay bills. Only 7k coins so not a retirement fund or anything.
I just helped my father up the stairs.
Every single day I make random people happy just by having them look at me. Most of them will correctly assume “Poor fucker, my life may be bad, but at least I’m not him!”
I suppose there’s value in that. Somehow.