Bonus if you can replace the battery.

    1 year ago

    The leaf was an especially bad case, as they went with “air cooling” for the battery, so if you live anywhere where summer temps get over 95F or so, you’re killing the battery every summer. Arizona or Florida would kill them super because it’s so hot for so long. I believe they went to liquid cooled in 2019.

    9 years is beyond the life of most vehicles in places where winter road salt rusts out frames. So most people consider a nine year old car past its useful life. I’m assuming these people you know live in a warmer climate where salt isn’t used. Yes, you’re going to have problems if there’s no support for your older car. A lot of EV buyers are banking on 3rd party battery recycling/rebuilding becoming a thing. It’s an industry that’s just getting started, and we’re in an awkward place currently where it’s only offered in a couple places or you’re spending ridiculous money in freight. All of that is to say, if you’re buying new or gently used now, you’ll probably be fine in 10 years as that industry grows. But I wouldn’t buy anything used that currently has battery issues.