Boxer from Algeria beat an Italian boxer in something like 46 seconds.
Algerian girl had been previously banned from a boxing event after some “confidential” test determined she didn’t qualify. Later,the boxing group said she had XY chromosomes but no solid evidence. Olympics tested her and she passed. She was born a girl and always lived as a girl, being trans is illegal in her country.
The right is insisting she is trans because of either the XY thing or a claim that she has high T levels (I don’t think this has been confirmed). Suddenly they are acting like her genitals don’t matter and she is a male anyway even without any evidence (at best she would be intersex from the chromosomes but not trans).
I’ve heard it being described as “the right thinks there’s two genders: men and fuckable. Anything they personally consider not fuckable is now being called the former.”
Funnily enough, with the fact that grindr crashes sometimes near republican conventions, they may think the same way. They would never admit it though, of course.
Oh I dunno. I’ve seen plenty of right wingers with hate symbols on their pickup trucks that definitely have some very grey areas between men and fuckable .
Boxer from Algeria beat an Italian boxer in something like 46 seconds.
Algerian girl had been previously banned from a boxing event after some “confidential” test determined she didn’t qualify. Later,the boxing group said she had XY chromosomes but no solid evidence. Olympics tested her and she passed. She was born a girl and always lived as a girl, being trans is illegal in her country.
The right is insisting she is trans because of either the XY thing or a claim that she has high T levels (I don’t think this has been confirmed). Suddenly they are acting like her genitals don’t matter and she is a male anyway even without any evidence (at best she would be intersex from the chromosomes but not trans).
I’ve heard it being described as “the right thinks there’s two genders: men and fuckable. Anything they personally consider not fuckable is now being called the former.”
That is the smartest thing I’ve ever heard anyone say, ever. I wonder, is it fuckable or breedable?
Then you might like the saying about the two races: white and political.
Finally, it won’t be gay to find femboys hot.
Funnily enough, with the fact that grindr crashes sometimes near republican conventions, they may think the same way. They would never admit it though, of course.
I think they just don’t want to admit they could get their ass kicked by a woman.
Oh I dunno. I’ve seen plenty of right wingers with hate symbols on their pickup trucks that definitely have some very grey areas between men and fuckable .
So weird.
hergie bacyadan is literally an out trans man in boxing and nobody cares