

The underside instantly darkens when scratched.

  • dandelion
    7 months ago

    Copying my comment on your other post, wanted to share here as well:

    I ran through the field key in Bessettes’ & Roody’s Boletes of Eastern North America.

    I think one possibility is: Caloboletus firmus.

    The stalk is pretty beat up, but it seems like it might be a net stalk, so I went with Key B-3:

    Net Stalks: with pores some shade of orange, tan, buff, red, maroon, brown to dark brown, or nearly black, p. 34

    Then I chose:

    1b. Pores not radially arranged and some shade of orange, red, maroon, or brown to nearly black → 2

    2b. Pores red to orange → 5

    5a. Cap whitish to grayish, grayish brown, or grayish olive; pores pinkish to red or red orange, sometimes yellowish at the margin when young, staining blue when bruised → Caloboletus firmus (p. 189)