Satanic Temple objects to governor’s push for more religion in schools and says members could act as student chaplains
Dark messengers of satanism could soon be walking the hallways of Florida’s public schools, and it’s a consequence of hard-right governor Ron DeSantis’s push for more religion in education.
Members of the Satanic Temple say they are poised to act as volunteer chaplains under a state law that took effect this week opening campuses to “additional counseling and support to students” from outside organizations.
Although HB 931 leaves the implementation of chaplain programs to individual school districts, and only requires schools to list a volunteer’s religion “if any”, DeSantis has made clear its intent is to restore the tenets of Christianity to public education.
Without the bill, DeSantis said at its signing in April: “You’re basically saying that God has no place [on campus]. That’s wrong.”
The satanists see the law, which comes amid a vigorous theocratic drive into education by the religious right nationally, as an equal opportunity: if Christian chaplains are permitted access to students, often at the most vulnerable and impressionable stages of their lives, then so are they.
Probably as good a time as any to point out the satanic temple actually sucks:
Also important to point out the Satanic Temple is not the same as the Church of Satan (or Satanic Church as you’ve labeled it here).
Yes, that was a mistake and I have edited my comment. I am talking here about the temple
Probably as good a time as any to point out religion across the board actually sucks: reality
Fixed that for you, got you champ!
While it’s true that theism is inherently harmful, The Satanic Temple isn’t a theistic organization. The problems with TST stem from the shithead that runs the org.
Despite that, they seem to be a problematic, but necessary force to fight religious extremism in the US. I’d prefer it if other secular orgs had the same reach and capabilities, but it seems TST is the best we have at the moment.
Alright, not really my point but thanks?
I’ll add to my other reply that pointing out that the TST has a history of co-opting issues and covering up abuse is a recognition of reality, and that dismissing criticism is exactly the problem with organised religion.
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That’s who I’m talking about, I’ll edit my comment
It’s a shame people are downvoting this, the satanic temple has ties to the far right and is not the great thing people think it is. They make bold claims to get news attention and donations but don’t follow through with action, and in the case of abortion rights claim that joining the temple will grant religious immunity when this is in fact false and actively harmful. Overall they distract attention from real activism without taking any real action. Watch the video essay in the parent comment to get the full picture.
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This is discussed in depth in the video linkrd by the subthread post.
Stop thinking in dualities and binaries. It’s not so simple, but to my own dismay, Greaves is indeed a grifter, a chauvanist and all the bigotry that comes with it.
If you give a shit about the downtrodden, for whom the metaphorical Luci Morningstar is held up to empower (it is just an extension of christian lore after all), then listen to the non-men, non-white and queer folks who saw first hand how TST, following in CoS’ footsteps, took advantage of us.
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I need to see some receipts for these wild claims.
This is discussed in depth in the video linkrd by the subthread post.
Stop thinking in dualities and binaries. It’s not so simple, but to my own dismay, Greaves is indeed a grifter, a chauvanist and all the bigotry that comes with it.
If you give a shit about the downtrodden, for whom the metaphorical Luci Morningstar is held up to empower (it is just an extension of christian lore after all), then listen to the non-men, non-white and queer folks who saw first hand how TST, following in CoS’ footsteps, took advantage of us.
This article is literally about them taking action but OK.
I appreciate you saying this! I didn’t want to type up anything specific myself because it was pretty late and I didn’t have the energy to check any claims.
I agree with you but a link to a two hour video is never going to convince people in a comment.