Richard Dawkins recently explained that he self-identifies as a cultural christian. He doesn’t believe in Deus, but he enjoys many christian traditions, including carols and hymns. This particular article is written from a Christian perspective, which I do not personally agree with, but it correctly interprets that Dawkins’ cultural christianity seems to be a dogwhistle for whiteness. Many atheists like Dawkins are cultural christians, in ways that subtly reinforce white supremacist narratives.

  • Leraje
    54 days ago

    Whilst we don’t have an atheist dominated society in the UK, christians do not make up the majority of the population either. Dawkins has made a specific choice to identify with that particular religion.

      54 days ago

      Whilst we don’t have an atheist dominated society in the UK, christians do not make up the majority of the population either.

      That’s only a VERY recent change, within the last decade. Before the 1980s (ie the first half of his life) Christians made up 80-90% of the population.