• @LadyMeow
    43 days ago

    Oh no o was sleeping on the gifts one, what happened there?

    • @chiliedogg@lemmy.world
      93 days ago

      They literally ruled that interested parties can pay a gratituity to officials and politicians, so long as the official act they’re paying for occurs before payment.

      That’s not some pessimistic reading of the case. It’s not subtle at all in it’s intention to legalize bribery at the federal level.

      The case at hand was a mayor that gave a contract to a waste disposal company worth about a million dollars overtly in exchange for them paying him $15,000 after the contract was awarded.

      He was prosecuted for official corruption and bribery, and the Supreme Court threw it out because he was paid after the corrupt act and not before.

      • @LadyMeow
        23 days ago

        What a shithole. Impeachment is sounding real good…

      • @LadyMeow
        23 days ago

        Who? Clearance? Lmao of course they did. ‘Is it ok we give you things?’ ‘Of course!’ Fuck this shit