We will have…


Samoa Joe HOOK, and Shibata challenging Chris Jericho, Big Bill, and Bryan Keith to a trios match. Just what Forbidden Door needed.

  • @ImADifferentBird
    26 days ago

    I don’t mind having CMLL involved (though I agree, a separate cross promotion show with then would be better), but I at least would want the show to be all interpromotional matches. Let’s face it, for those 3 AEW matches, the door ain’t that forbidden.

    • GeekFTWOPM
      26 days ago

      Yeah, zero matches should be on the card which are AEW vs AEW. 2 of them are fantastic sounding championship matches which could be done on any other PPV with zero issues and the 3rd is a Rampage piss match, I can name a dozen matches I’d rather see on Forbidden Door and that includes Saki Kashima vs Serpentico for no fucking reason other than I’d be funny as shit to see Serpento’s reaction to her rolling him up for the pin 15 seconds into a match.