• Chloé 🥕
      614 days ago

      my biggest problem with tumblr is that it has a big TERF community

      as a trans woman, I’m pretty reticent about federating with them

      • @chumbalumber
        714 days ago

        It’s weird; there’s a huge trans presence on Tumblr, but also a large terf presence too. Part of the reason I like Lemmy/liked Reddit is that communities form that are supportive; I post to a group of people who have sought this space out, rather than to a group of individuals, some of whom might see it randomly and be rabidly unpleasant.

        • Chloé 🥕
          413 days ago

          yeah Tumblr is a double-edged sword. the queer community there is incredible and I want to be a part of it, but the TERFs are also omnipresent and numerous, and the moderation doesn’t do much to stop them…