• Armok: God of Blood
    4420 days ago

    Mass censorship is very cool and definitely not a stepping stone to an authoritarian hellscape.

    • @Alamp@lemm.ee
      1920 days ago

      The idea that moderating slurs on an online forum is a stepping stone to an authoritarian hellscape really requires a special kind of brain worms

      • Armok: God of Blood
        1319 days ago

        I got an instance ban from ML for two weeks because they treat “tankie” like some sort of slur.

        • Echo Dot
          819 days ago

          The biggest bunch of snowflakes there ever was. They don’t like it when you actively describe them.

    • Echo Dot
      1119 days ago

      Perhaps it’s a sexual thing. You know like if you are hit a lot as a child.

      Perhaps Tankies learn to enjoy censorship and repression. That’s the only justification I can think of for censoring themselves, it’s pretty hilarious when you think about it.

    • Joe Cool
      1020 days ago

      I’m actually OK with it.

      It’s their instance, you can check the wordlist in the config. It’s the slur_filter_regex. If it would bother me too much I’d change instance or spin up my own.
      I’m more enraged by shadow banning like on “other platforms”.

      • Echo Dot
        819 days ago

        ml hands out bans people who slightly disagree with their Communist loving opinions, how is that not censorship like on “other” platforms?

        • @bionicjoey@lemmy.ca
          1019 days ago

          Lol it’s too much credit to call them communist loving. Marx would be turning in his grave if he saw the regimes these tankies venerate

          • Echo Dot
            419 days ago

            Of course Marx isn’t really a good hold up either. Any actually communist society probably wouldn’t follow a lot of his doctrines. His beliefs, if actually implemented, would have all ended in civil unrest anyway. His views were inherently unfair and very much open to abuse and corruption. If you were unlucky enough to be on the bottom rung of society then that’s where you stayed.

            A modern view of communism would be much closer to socialism than anything Marx advocated for. At least socialism allows for social advancement.

            On a continuum where you’ve got tankies on one side and socialism on the other, Marx would be closer to the Tankies end of the spectrum than the socialist. He’s definitely not in the middle.

            • @areyouevenreal@lemm.ee
              19 days ago

              If you were unlucky enough to be on the bottom rung of society then that’s where you stayed.

              A modern view of communism would be much closer to socialism than anything Marx advocated for. At least socialism allows for social advancement.

              My guy you don’t know shit. Marx believed in a classless society. There would be no “rungs”. Also what he believed in is socialism, because communism is a form of socialism. This is what happens when you believe what the right wing tells you about Karl Marx without actually asking any leftists or reading it for yourself.

              A lot of the things Tankies believe like the concept of a Vanguard party happened after Marx. Marx would have never approved of the USSR, or at least how it ended and all the things that happened under Stalin.

              • Echo Dot
                119 days ago

                Marx believed in a classless society.

                Yeah but he didn’t. Because money still exists and been poor meant you got less money. So no matter what he said you would still have less. You’d need UBI to really go classless

                • @areyouevenreal@lemm.ee
                  19 days ago

                  The man literally wanted to abolish money in the long term. He also wanted to get rid of the profit motive. This is one of the dumbest things I have ever read talking about Marx.

                  Edit: also thinking UBI will lead to a classless society. What an absolute joke. Not saying UBI is bad or anything, but that’s just not what it does. There went me thinking that I was clueless about politics, this is next level misinformed.

            • @bionicjoey@lemmy.ca
              319 days ago

              Fair enough. I know a lot of his views were rooted in traditions and biases he grew up around. My point was more just that tankies and places like modern Russia and China aren’t really communist.

              My girlfriend is Chinese and she has shared so many examples of classism and wealth inequality there, many of which are enforced by the state and its laws. China is in many ways no more egalitarian than the US.