• @masquenox@lemmy.world
    827 days ago

    Oh, look… a liberal crying crocodile tears because one of their favorite fairy tales got debunked.


    And from this reason American soldiers killed shittons of nazi scums

    How many of them volunteered to fight fascists, genius? Here… I’ll give you an example of actual US antifascists so that you can tell tell the difference.

    Strangely, you do not suspect USSR the same way.

    Suspect the USSR of what, liberal?

    Fuck off tankie.

    Oh, look… yet another liberal throwing terms around they don’t know the meaning off.

    Do they churn you out in a factory somewhere, perhaps? You sure all do seem to come preprogrammed to spout the same gibberish.

    • @mydude@lemmy.world
      827 days ago

      It was nice to read about Lincoln Battalion. I did not know this. Imagine Spain, Soviet, USA, Canada on the side of communism, fighting against the Nazi Nationalist Faction. Whoa… I could watch that movie.

      • @masquenox@lemmy.world
        327 days ago

        Imagine Spain, Soviet, USA, Canada on the side of communism,

        It really is too bad that Stalin, together with the the US and Britain, went out of their way to undermine and sabotage the most fierce and capable of the Republican factions - the anarchists - which essentially made a fascist victory inevitable.