• @3volver@lemmy.world
    10727 days ago

    People keep pointing the finger at AI, but miss the fact that the problem is corporate greed. AI has the possibility to help us solve problems, corporate greed will gate keep the solutions and cause us suffering.

    • Sabata
      1326 days ago

      I want all the cool Ai shit, but I want to be in charge of it 100%. I don’t want a data mining company with an OS side project spying on me for profit.

    • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
      27 days ago

      Enshittification is the result of the user not being in control: markets have a natural tendency to become dominated by a few companies (or even just a single one) if they have any significant barriers to entry (and said barriers to entry include things like networking effects), and once they consolidate control over a large enough share of the market those companies become less and less friendly and more and more extractive towards customers, simply because said customers don’t actually have any other options, which is what we now call enshittification.

      At the same time Linux (and most Open Source software) is mainly about the owner being in control of their own stuff, not some corporate provider of software for your hardware or of a hardware + software “solution” (i.e. most modern electronics) provider.

      So we’re getting to see more and more Linux-based full solutions to take control of one’s devices back from the corporations, not just Linux on the Desktop to wrestle control back from an increasingly anti-customer Microsoftw, but also, for example, stuff like OpenELEC (for TV boxes) and OPNSense (for firewalls/router).

    • @masquenox@lemmy.world
      426 days ago

      People keep pointing the finger at AI, but miss the fact that the problem is corporate greed capitalism. AI has the possibility to help us solve problems, corporate greed capitalism will gate keep the solutions and cause us suffering.

      No need to thank me.

      • @3volver@lemmy.world
        126 days ago

        We don’t have capitalism in the US, we have late-stage crony capitalism. Regulated capitalism is fine, but we are in a crony capitalist system which feeds corporate greed. Our government is controlled by a handful of mega corps which have their hands pulling the strings due to the lobbying system. It wasn’t always this way, which is why I don’t blame capitalism, I blame human greed.

        • @masquenox@lemmy.world
          326 days ago

          late-stage crony capitalism.

          So… capitalism.

          crony capitalist system which feeds corporate greed.

          Sooo… capitalism?

          Our government is controlled by a handful of mega corps which have their hands pulling the strings due to the lobbying system.

          So just bog-standard capitalism, then?

          Regulated capitalism is fine

          The Soviets tried that and failed. The Chinese tried it too, and it turned into… bog-standard capitalism.

              • nadram
                325 days ago

                it’s greed. whether under a socialist regime, capitalist, communist or other, all it takes to destroy the system is for greedy people in power to force it open by buying judges and politicians. capitalism is in no way a prerequisite.

                • @masquenox@lemmy.world
                  325 days ago

                  whether under a socialist regime,

                  There is no such thing as a “socialist” regime… not in the way we generally use the term regime, anyway. And the regimes that (falsely) attributed to themselves the characteristics of socialism never claimed to make a virtue out of human greed like our neoliberal ones do.

                  all it takes to destroy the system is for greedy people

                  Are you trying to say that a disjointed and incoherent jumble of pretexts, justifications and outright lies masquerading as an ideology that specifically exists to justify said human greed will (somehow) be destroyed by human greed?

                  Looks to me like it’s working as designed… and not “destroyed” at all.

    • @the_doktor@lemmy.zip
      126 days ago

      AI can’t solve problems. This should be abundantly clear by now from the number of laughable and even dangerous “solutions” it gives while stealing content, destroying privacy, and sucking up tons of power to do so. Just ban AI.

      • @3volver@lemmy.world
        226 days ago

        Just take some time to look up the benefits of AI and what it is being used to solve. It’s easy to focus on how corporations are abusing the technology for profit, but it’s a bland weak perspective to think that AI can’t solve problems.

        • @the_doktor@lemmy.zip
          126 days ago

          It can’t even solve simple queries correctly half the time. Exactly what “benefits” can come from such a flawed system that steals its information, destroys privacy, and uses tons of resources?

          Grow up and admit you’re fascinated by some sci-fi bullshit poorly implemented by garbage corporations.

          • @3volver@lemmy.world
            326 days ago

            It can’t even solve simple queries correctly half the time.

            implemented by garbage corporations

            Lie and lie again, neither do you realize there are open source LLMs. You keep yelling to ban it when nothing you write even matters.

            • @the_doktor@lemmy.zip
              125 days ago

              Have you seen how many garbage query returns people get? It’s completely ineffectual unless you just treat it like a simple non “AI” search engine query, in which case, why bother wasting time with AI?

              And do you realize how much power and time is needed to create a local LLM? The reason AI is generally implemented online is because it’s so incredibly complex and computationally heavy to do it locally for any decent amount of data. So unless you’re a fucking pervert with 20 overpowered PCs paying thousands a month on electricity generating AI porn art, what’s the point?

      • @SkyeStarfall
        226 days ago

        You really need to specify what you mean by “AI”. AI has been used in tons of applications for decades. Do you mean LLMs? Because not all AI is LLMs.

        • @the_doktor@lemmy.zip
          125 days ago

          At this point there’s barely a difference in practical use. And both are the same amount of stupid, sucking up tons of power, destroying privacy, and stealing information. It’s all bullshit and should be banned.

          How is this not something that is a common sense, widely accepted worldview? Are people this dense?

          • @SkyeStarfall
            125 days ago

            Because you clearly do not have any technical understanding of the field, or what machine learning even is, or how it can be useful, and the dozen of different things also called AI.

            • @the_doktor@lemmy.zip
              125 days ago

              Says the person with zero understanding of the terrible problems with AI. It’s just rampant, ignorant fanboyism at this point. Ban it.