Every app has to have fucking AI now for some reason.

  • @hungryphrog
    4029 days ago

    Why the hell does everything have to have AI now??

    • Dr. Dabbles
      2229 days ago

      To rip off investors. If they pretend to be on the same hype train as everyone else, and lie about what their product does, there’s a chance some idiot will give them more money.

      • @abbiistabbii
        327 days ago

        Fuckin’ hell, investors don’t know shit about the shit they are investing in do they, if all you need to do is slap some bullshit buzzwords on it and they’ll suck your dick.

    • @neo@lemy.lol
      1629 days ago

      I can see an infinite number of meetings with management figures and/or investors asking:

      “Everyone in tech is talking about AI and we are tech, hightech even so, are we not? So, what do we / what does your department do with AI?”

      It’s like millions of voices silently crying out in pain.

    • Chainweasel
      1128 days ago

      It’s a buzz word.
      ChatGPT came out and all the other tech companies like Google freaked the fuck out because they weren’t first to the market.
      In response they started adding AI to Google search.
      Well, Microsoft can’t let that stand either so now they’re both in a mad dash to put it in fucking everything before the other guy does.