• Chloé 🥕
    2726 days ago

    funny meme, but let’s not forget that police violence isn’t an exclusively american problem.

    ACAB means ACAB

    • @AeonFelis@lemmy.world
      425 days ago

      Maybe, but the USA seems to be making a point to make every social issue it deals with so much worse than the rest of the world. Even things like slavery - the old world slavery seems almost humane compared to the American version.

      • @PugJesus@lemmy.world
        425 days ago

        This is actually a really interesting point - European-introduced slavery in the New World was probably the most horrific form of an institution that is already pretty inherently horrific. It started off, well, about as bad as any other form of chattel slavery that accepts high death rates, but escalated through the 17th and 18th centuries to something quite uniquely horrific, finding its final and most vile expression in the racialist ideology of the late 18th to mid 19th century.