• @Ibaudia@lemmy.world
    941 month ago

    I’m one of the 5-10%. I always sucked at verbal memory tasks. Didn’t know some people have an real, interpretable internal monologue until a few years ago. I thought thinking nonverbally was the default. I even specifically remember watching shows and movies where you listen to a character’s internal internal monologue and thinking “this is dumb, that’s not how thinking works”. Turns out it is, and I’m just in the minority! Now I make an effort to manually start an internal monologue when I’m doing anything that requires a lot of verbal processing, like listening to instructions at work. It helps, but I can still tell that I have a deficit compared to most people when it comes to those things.

    • @Schmoo@slrpnk.net
      401 month ago

      Your anecdote seems to support that it’s a learned behavior/skill, which tracks for me. I have a very active internal dialogue that’s difficult to turn off. I say dialogue instead of monologue because I often make up “other voices” that bounce ideas off each other, and this generally happens without my conscious effort. I think I developed this because as I was growing up I was encouraged to pray regularly, and I was very fanatically religious as a kid so I did so as often as I could. I prayed silently so often in fact that my thoughts were basically a constant one-sided monologue directed to god. Whenever I would daydream or let my imagination wander I would imagine god responding, and eventually the constant monologue became a dialogue. I would work out problems or make decisions by having conversations with an imaginary god. When I stopped believing in god the second voice never went away, I just started recognizing it as my own.

      • @Ibaudia@lemmy.world
        141 month ago

        Okay, now I have to know if religious individuals are more likely to have an inner voice. That just makes sense!!!

        • @Schmoo@slrpnk.net
          61 month ago

          Perhaps! I also think internal monologues can develop just from learning to read and write silently. Having an inner voice makes it easier to absorb the information in a book or to plan out your writing in advance.

      • @lagomorphlecture@lemm.ee
        51 month ago

        There’s actually a theory that back in ye olden times when inner monologues first started, people thought it was God talking to them because it was a new phenomenon and that didn’t have any way to understand that it was some kind of evolution of consciousness, not a god.

            • @afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
              21 month ago

              Ha! Good one.

              On a serious note here are the issues

              • He can’t explain how the event impacted the rest of the world. Only a fraction of the human race was there. How does he explain China for example?
              • We already know that meta-cognition isn’t limited to humans. A rat that knows where food is vs ones that do not engage in different behaviors.
              • He can’t explain the almost superhuman reflex speeds some people have in modern times under his model.

              I do agree some of it rings true. Just very hard to pin down what exactly.

      • @mrcleanup@lemmy.world
        31 month ago

        I am trying to wrap my head around this. So if you are just walking down the street alone, watching cars go by, not reading, there a voice? What would it even be saying?

        • @Schmoo@slrpnk.net
          31 month ago

          Yes, multiple voices, probably debating what I’m going to cook for dinner later. At this point I might be going a bit too far anthropomorphizing the voices, it’s not like actual separate personalities, they’re all me. It’s more like perspective taking. I’m engaging in a conversation with myself and the different voices will take different stances. For example I might have a “lazy voice” that just wants to eat leftovers and a “craving voice” that wants to cook tacos. I decide what to do by having the voices hash it out.

          As I’m describing this it all sounds very intentional and like I’m playing pretend, but it really is just automatic.

          • @mrcleanup@lemmy.world
            11 month ago

            I guess I have something similar, but it’s all just nonverbal feelings. I don’t argue with myself about getting up in the morning, I just feel comfortable, lazy, frustrated, determined, and rarely tell myself “get up” but that’s the only voice part.

      • @grrgyle@slrpnk.net
        11 month ago

        Whoaaaa that’s so interesting. I grew up silently praying in the daily as well, and also tend to have dialogues going on in my head. Also a stream of unsolicited advice, which is less pleasant… But I’d probably miss it if it went away.

        • @Schmoo@slrpnk.net
          41 month ago

          Learning to get over religious shame and guilt took quite some time for me, and I still have to catch myself sometimes when an inner voice says things I no longer believe/agree with. Part of getting over that meant cultivating other voices. When one voice bites another bites back lol.

          As a plus I’m very good in a debate.

    • @Elextra@literature.cafe
      91 month ago

      TIL. I’m one of the 5-10% as well!! I have not noticed a deficit in verbal memory… I’m more interested reading the comments and learning today that people have inner voices?!?

        • @Today@lemmy.world
          31 month ago

          I think of cartoons - some people have word bubbles for ideas - some of us just have a lightbulb.

      • @afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
        21 month ago

        Basically if I know you well I hear your voice in my head argue for a pov I know you hold. If you are say a safety-first kinda guy I will hear you lecture me when I am not being safe. I got a committee arguing all the time and I admit it sometimes becomes hard to remember if I mentioned X to my mental version of someone or the real someone.

        Yes I am aware that the voices I hear are not real. It is just the way my brain is presenting information to itself. Like writing down notes in different colored inks. It is all the same letters and words but with an added change.

    • @troglodytis@lemmy.world
      41 month ago

      You get to think in ways that other people can’t. You actually have a super power. Don’t sleep on that! You rock

    • @multifariace@lemmy.world
      31 month ago

      I’m with you. Your movie reference really helped solidify it. I assumed I was one of the lonely minds, but this made it clear.

      Some things that seem associated with this are my constant cravings for social interaction and intellectual conversation. I can’t give it to myself. I have never understood how people can just do nothing. I never had an invisible friend as a kid. There are many things people say and do that could be explained by having personal voices. There are many struggles with communicating to others that have already had a conversation with themselves before I can share a full thought.

      • @Today@lemmy.world
        11 month ago

        I drive my office mates crazy because the thoughts in my head just come out of my mouth, especially if I’m bored or nervous.

    • @lagomorphlecture@lemm.ee
      1 month ago

      “It helps, but I can still tell that I have a deficit compared to most people when it comes to those things.”

      I was totally gonna ask you about this until I got to the end! It seems like thinking without any kind of internal monologue would be incredibly abstract which might be good for some things but it would probably suck ass for trying to remember or understand extremely detailed instructions and things like that! I’m so curious what it’s like to think the way you do and I wish I could flip a switch for a little bit to experience it because it’s kind of hard to really imagine what I would be like.

      • @Ibaudia@lemmy.world
        31 month ago

        It’s strange because while we can use words to describe our thought processes, understanding how someone else thinks isn’t really possible since we only have one frame of reference (our own minds) and words can only go so far in describing cognition. We can only observe differences in task performance and speculate as to the underlying causes on a cognitive level, maybe make some correlations here and there in the process. So weird!