Sofia “Buff Girlfriend” @sofiabuffgf

Installing a bidet at home was life changing but unfortunately it’s transformed pooping on company time from a small proletarian victory into yet another grueling humiliation of inadequate working conditions.

    1 month ago

    I’m being downvoted for pointing out that numerous studies have shown that the bidet is not the hygienic dream you all hoped it was?

    You all are some weird people with more funk downstairs than I want to think about.

    Directly from the NIH: “Kim et al. conducted a study of high-risk pregnant women with preterm labor and reported that the use of a bidet toilet was associated with abnormal vaginal colonization and increased the rate of preterm labor in high-risk pregnancies.”

    I assume you all are also anti-vax because of the 5G?

    • jwiggler
      101 month ago

      Can you post the link to that study? I wanna read it. Here’s one that says almost the opposite:

      Normal use of the bidet toilet by pregnant women poses no clinical health risk for preterm birth and bacterial vaginosis.

        1 month ago

        I’m sorry, I’m in the middle of several zoom meetings and using my 15min breaks between sessions to comment here. If you remind me about this in five hours, I would be happy to link you several studies and a meta analysis.

        Please also note that the study you’re linking is earlier than the one I’ve linked, the methodology is generally shoddy, and they, as I recall, directly reference this study in the link I’ve already provided.