• @Grobmobularb@lemmy.world
    92 months ago

    People are fucking babies. I bought this on PS5 and it was so good I got it on Steam for my son. It asked me to sync to my PSN and I did. If we didn’t live somewhere that had PSN, that would be different. But those who do, who gives a flying fuck that you have to have a free PSN account….

    • @Arkaelus@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Good for you, your circumstances lined up in such a way as for you to already have a PSN account through the console you own. But the issues you are ignoring are as follows:

      • it is predatory to impose such a major change (and, yes, it is major) on people AFTER they have purchased the game. The ease of creating a PSN account is an utterly moot point, a paying customer should not be forced to suffer changes to a thing they, supposedly, already owned, let alone a change which basically reduces the options to “you either give us your information, or you don’t play the game ON WHICH YOU ALREADY SPENT MONEY.”

      • the more accounts you have nowadays, the more your personal data is sold around. In addition, it’s a clear demonstration of encroachment by corporations who really should have no business forcing you to sign up to their shitty platforms.

      • it’s an extra layer of DRM, and DRM is exclusively a bad thing however you cut it (DRM means you don’t actually own the thing you friggin’ bought).

      • fuck Sony and their atrocious greed. Pure and simple.

      • @fluckx@lemmy.world
        202 months ago

        You forget their inability to guard personal data. It’s like telling your secrets to the town blabbermouth.

        Or using lastpass. The only thing they needed to do was keep your passwords safe. And it happened so often its almost a meme. I dont even know why They’re still in business

      • Enkrod
        72 months ago

        And for so many people there isn’t even a choice. They bought the game, and now they can’t play it, because no PSN in their country.

        And even for some countries with access to PSN, creating an account requires photo-id and a face scan. That’s complete bullshit.

    • @SoleInvictus
      392 months ago

      “It’s not a problem until it happens to me.”

      It looks like c/conservative is leaking again.

    • poo
      152 months ago

      You seem pretty simple-minded

    • applepie
      72 months ago

      For some people it is a privacy issue for others extra work.

    • @stardust@lemmy.ca
      32 months ago

      Sony seems like the babies to me blundering a nice surprise success and good will from the community with an unnecessary change. It’s more their issue than mine. I just lose out on a game. Them on the other hand have PR to work out and potential consequences for employees. All for a change that didn’t need to happen. Stupid business decision.