Welcome everyone to Lemmy!

Lemmy is a network of instances. Even if you registered on Lemmy.ml, your entire feed can be made up of Beehaw.org posts by subscribing exclusively to Beehaw.org communities.

Sometimes it’s hard to find a community of posts and people you want to hang out with - So I invite everyone to share communities from their instances in this thread!

Edit: I’ve just realized the !technology@beehaw.org linking format opens https://beehaw.org/c/technology instead of i.e lemmy.ml/c/technology@beehaw.org if your instance is lemmy.ml. This thread might not work

  • @jonah@lemmy.one
    711 months ago

    I’m trying to understand this community and posts there like “how to disprove the lies about the DPRK?” To me, the most telling thing about these pro-North Korea communities is that there are no North Koreans within them 🙃

    • non-diegetic screams
      411 months ago

      The DPRK isn’t exactly wired into the world wide web, and it’s not entirely their choice. It seems like that conversation might be a little out of the scope of this thread, though!