• @EmptySlime
    272 months ago

    Fuck the Big Light™

    For real. I get migraines and one or my big triggers is lights being too bright. With good old Sol being the worst offender. Luckily everyone else in my house is some flavor of autistic/ADHD so pretty much everyone agrees.

    Fuck the Big Light™

    • @Kiosade@lemmy.ca
      42 months ago

      For me it’s the damn LED lights. I heard how they work is basically by constantly turning on and off and on and off at a speed imperceptible to us, but the end effect is that they are basically strobe lights. So those of us susceptible to strobe lights can get migraines if exposed to them for too long in one sitting.

      • Norah - She/They
        42 months ago

        It’s a quality issue too, the cheaper the LEDs, the worse they seem to affect me. The street lights in new housing estates seem to be some of the worst offenders.

        • @Kiosade@lemmy.ca
          22 months ago

          That’s what I’ve heard, yeah. I bought this lightpad thing on Amazon for tracing, and after using it maybe 30 mins or so I felt SUPER off the rest of the day, it was awful. Pretty sure that thing has the shittiest quality LED nodes available.