Image text: “Fact: 90% of Linux users switch back to windows right before all their problems are about to be fixed”

    2 months ago

    Every child should be introduced to linux. Will help them understand better they don’t need to be treated as products and certainly make them more computer literate, and hopefully more security conscious.

      92 months ago

      But to be honest, not every child is technologically-inclined. Most are just gonna get annoyed and hate it. This is not a good idea.

      I’d have loved it as a child though

        52 months ago

        Something like Linux Mint is very easy to use and doesn’t require much maintenance. You don’t need to reformat every year or two either when Windows inevitably shits itself.

            22 months ago

            My point is Linux doesn’t have to be hard to use. You are going out of your way and making things difficult when using something like Arch Linux.

              12 months ago

              I’m not undermining your point in the first sentence, I was just saying that I use arch, btw

              Linux mint shares a few ubuntu bugs, and even if you use LMDE someone like a child cannot understand the essence of linux in a controlled environment.

              I’ll repeat. You cannot teach linux in a controlled environment to a child.

                22 months ago

                I’ve heard of cases where parents are putting kids in front of linux recently!

                They are windows illiterate i think is what the kids posted.

                12 months ago

                Yes you can! What do you think a Chromebook is or an Android tablet. Modern Linux is quite easy to use, in some areas easier than modern Windows. This is especially true if you have the kind of children who get viruses all the time.

                  2 months ago

                  Oh awesome. Leave it to lemmy to be pedantic.

                  I obviously meant normal linux distros when I referred to linux. Not chromebooks or android.

                  Also, using those is in no way the same as learning linux. In a chrome book you’ll just be using a browser. In a phone, all the apps are locked down and you have no access to cli.

                    12 months ago

                    I never said the objective was to learn Linux. The objective is to use it.

                    You can get terminal access on a smartphone. I can give you a screenshot or two if you like. You can also run Linux apps on ChromeOS now. It leverages containers from my understanding, a technology baked into the modern Linux kernel.

                    No it’s not pedantic you are using a true scotsman fallacy. That being said I don’t think using Linux Mint is any harder than using and maintaining Windows especially if you don’t have existing knowledge of either. macOS is easier to use than either Linux Mint or Windows.

          • @pewgar_seemsimandroid
            12 months ago

            thanks you for not forcing people to use arch, now I don’t have to shit on it for a milliont time