headline should actually be oklahoma continues to be shitty transphobes but i didnt want to editorialize!

anyway aew should do a mega event with wwe and impact for trans lifeline in oklahoma with nyla main eventing for the womens title because fuck bigots and celebrate queer wrestlers all night

sorry but this just made me so mad and it should be bigger news

also a big fuck you to the oklahoma commission for purposely misgendering nyla

  • @ImADifferentBird
    72 months ago

    Fuck transphobes. All they do is make the world fucking worse.

    Love that they gave AEW a “warning” on this shit. Like they are going to do shit to AEW except maybe make them think twice about running a show in Oklahoma again.

    Also, love the fact that the commission defines gender based on chromosomes. How do they know what chromosomes Nyla has? Did they work up her genome? Maybe she’s XXY or something, they don’t know.

    • GeekFTWM
      62 months ago

      Just Oklahoma playing the long-game in the 'Why Does No One Ever Take Us Seriously As A State" competition. Gotta give Alabama, Florida and Mississippi something to think about now-and-then lmao.

      • katy ✨OP
        72 months ago

        “So… Oklahoma is a crazy place. You know, they call it the Sooner state. Frankly I’d sooner be in any other state.” - Chandler Bing

          • @Neon_Carnivore@lemmy.zipM
            62 months ago

            Shit, dude, I completely forgot he passed away like 6 months ago. Guess I better binge Fallout again, since he can’t.

            • GeekFTWM
              62 months ago

              I’ve been itching to install 3 or NV again for like…a year but I know there needs to be heavy modding done to make them optimal now-a-days and my ADHD already sits here modding Sims 4, Dwarf Fortress, Rimworld, Deep Rock Galactic, Stellaris, Simcity 4 and Stardew valley without any of the spoons available to fit another game in and I’ve watched my wife yesterday try to help a friend get NV up and running and after 90 mins I stopped watching and went to play TF2 instead lmao.

      • @ImADifferentBird
        62 months ago

        Around here, we have a little joke…

        Why is it always windy in Kansas? Because Nebraska blows and Oklahoma sucks.

        Sadly, I can’t entirely take the high road on this, since Kansas passed one of those stupid “protect women’s sports” laws last year (over the governor’s veto), so we’re pretty much in the same fucking boat. Can’t wait until this latest moral panic goes away.