Found out tonight that my mom is in the hospital and been diagnosed with late stage lung cancer. I’ve been low contact with her since shortly after coming out. It sounds like they don’t expect her to leave.

  • oNeviaM
    11 months ago

    My heart truly goes out to you. I lost my mom in 2017 to stomach cancer and it was gut wrenching. We have always had a up and down relationship but I was with her at the very end.

    It was before I realized I was a woman and as I was trying to have my “goodbye” talk a few weeks before she passed, I explained how I was feeling over the years with our relationship and how I knew she tried her best and I forgive her. But even after saying all that, I had a sense there was more I needed her to know about me and unfortunately I never got to tell her.

    I don’t know how your relationship with your mother is, but if you have anything you need to get off your chest. I really suggest you do it. Even if it feels like the hardest thing in the world. But of course you need to keep your own mental health as your top priority. Even writing things down in a letter without her seeing is cathartic.

    Please please PLEASE reach out to me through dm or something if you’d like someone to talk with who has been through a similar situation.

    I give you the biggest hug I can while you go through this. Know you are not alone ❤️