Have y’all considered the “communists” in power are manipulating the peasants just like the “capitalists” in power do to their wage slaves?

  • @polygon@lemmy.zip
    410 months ago

    The guys stance was pretty easy to follow even if he wasn’t all that articulate. But they were never going to listen to him, so I don’t know why he wasted his time. The main guy replying to him was doing the bad faith YouTube/Twitch debate style where instead of engaging a persons ideas, you simply select a few words someone has said and then hammer on them endlessly to put the other party on the defensive. Once you start trying to explain yourself and how you’re not what they’re saying you are, you’ve already lost. Very reminiscent of Destiny’s debate style.

    “I don’t think laws should be made banning things adults like simply because a small percentage of children might try it.”

    “Really? So you don’t care about children? Why do you want to lower safety requirements for children? I think you enjoy harming children.”

    Etc etc, and while you’re off balance trying to defend against this non-sequitur they proceed to discredit you and anything you might say afterwards, no matter how valid it might be. It is intellectually dishonest, and all over this post.