Y’all, this is why you need to vote, including your local races. All an ideology like this needs to grow is fertile ground, a propaganda apparatus to spread it, and a willing legislature.

Vote like your lives depend on it, vote like your families’ and friends’ lives depend on it, because it very well might.

  • Gnome Kat
    1 year ago

    Of course not. You are thinking about it all wrong, they don’t have a consistent ideology that can be interrogated. Consistency means nothing to them, it’s pointless to try and find contradictory beliefs. They are looking to oppress and terrorize the groups of people they deem lower, that is their goal. Being consistent is a hindrance towards that end and more than that, the don’t believe they need to be consistent. To them, they are deserving of ultimate power, being inconsistent is how they display and enact that power.