
The whole post is good, but if I may:

Liberals, devoid of principles, would never understand any extreme, or even inconvenient form of protest

My god, so true! This is why liberals were hand-wringing about blocking streets during the BLM protests and gatekeeping what constitutes a “proper” protest, and clutching their pearls about a campaign every time the sitting president is criticized, and using inappropriate terms like “harm reduction” to refer to supporting a genocidal leader, and fundamentally being incapable of grasping the sacrifice of someone like Aaron Bushnell, and why they sit in their suburban homes and post about how someone like me is “privileged” while their dear leader imprisons and deports my friends and loved ones, while I live surrounded by fascists in a red state while our president does nothing to stop or slow the creep of fascism, but instead implements even more LGBTQIAphobic policies that bolster hate. It’s projection. Look at any thread in any liberal community, and you’ll find them – the people described in this post. Palestine is “complicated” even though unprecedented numbers of children are murdered every day by Israel, the “border crisis” is something that like 70% of them have been duped into believing so therefore it’s okay and must be real, and black people are supposed to protest their systemic murder in a way that’s acceptable to their delicate suburban sensibilities.

Liberals are fundamentally unable to understand the left, or anyone with any kind of principles.

  • LinkOpensChest.wavOP
    6 months ago

    But letting things get worse by not voting won’t accomplish anything

    I’m no accelerationist. I held my nose and voted Clinton in 2016, and Biden in 2020. I was hoping the liberals were right about Biden, but it appears he’s just a politer Trump. The number of concentration camps and deportation rates have escalated under Biden, with his followers excusing him every step of the way, and now the genocide.

    If you’d asked me a couple months ago, I’d have said exactly what you’re saying, but now I’m not sure what to do. It seems that voting gets us nowhere, and in spite of what establishment Democrats say, Biden is fully immune to being persuaded to do right. Hell, he’s even signed an LGBTQIA-phobic bill. He’d have both of us run over with tanks if it helped his campaign. And the murdered children, all the suffering he’s caused, people he’s killed. He makes Jeffrey Dahmer look like Mary fucken Poppins, and his followers encourage him to continue.

    It’s all so hopeless and depressing

    • Wirlocke
      6 months ago

      It is depressing, and it does feel hopeless.

      I’m keeping some hope for the future out of pure stubbornness, but we’re in awful times.

      • LinkOpensChest.wavOP
        6 months ago

        Yeah, thanks for understanding. When it comes down to it, you’re probably right that voting Biden is the only way … but it’s super hard. It feels like legitimizing all the atrocities he’s committed.

        I’ll be honest-- I think Project 25 is coming either way – directly if Trump is in office, and by Democrats bending to the will of Republicans if we get Biden.

        Part of me wants to move to rural Mexico where I have family and disappear, but that wouldn’t help anyone

        • Wirlocke
          6 months ago

          If Project 2025 happens I may need to move to Canada (I live in Minnesota).

          Unfortunately the MAGA philosophy has been spreading to other countries, Canada included, so Project 2025 will be devastating to the whole world.

          Just gotta do our best to protect ourselves, loved ones, and anyone else if we’re able.

          • LinkOpensChest.wavOP
            6 months ago

            Canada’s closer for me too since I live in South Dakota, but I think it would be very hard and expensive to move to Canada.

            • Wirlocke
              6 months ago

              Personally I plan on going to college for a long time so the expenses would probably be outweighed by the more affordable college.

              Besides, in Minnesota at least, it’s getting pretty expensive already.

              • LinkOpensChest.wavOP
                6 months ago

                Yeah that makes sense. I guess logistically, it would be much easier to move to and live in Canada even for us, but … family