The prohibition was one of many side issues included in the mammoth $1.2 trillion package to fund the government through September.

    223 months ago

    I have zero problem with this. No US embassy should fly any flag other than Old Glory. No POW flags, no LGBT flags, nada. Full stop. These are US embassies representing all Americans, and the only flag we all live under is the Stars and Stripes.

    Don’t like that take? How about I lobby to fly a personal favorite. I’m actually partial to the one on the left. No one has an issue, right?

    • @Crow
      223 months ago

      Can’t we have both tho? Does a second flag somehow diminish the meaning of a country flag? Shouldn’t a country also show off their values, especially in embassies in other countries? Tho, America doesn’t value queer people so I guess it makes sense. Maybe I’m just not patriotic enough as a European, because if I heard that my country was removing pride flags I’d get quite crossed

        3 months ago

        Does a second flag somehow diminish the meaning of a country flag?

        Yes. Which is fine in most contexts, but for an embassy is basically the same as a sign saying what the building is for, so adding more flags muddles what should be a very clear message: “This building is an outpost of the US government.”

        Tho, America doesn’t value queer people so I guess it makes sense.

        Yeah, flying a pride flag would be misleading. It’s like all the rainbow police cars were have in Seattle even though everyone knows cops aren’t on the side of LGBT+ people.

    • @Zorsith
      93 months ago

      The US is weirdly flag obsessed to begin with

      13 months ago

      I don’t care about the other flags, I just specifically don’t want the pride flag to be flown. I don’t want my flag to be associated with a genocidal empire