The additive haters won me over. I tried a long black today, and I’ll give it another week or so and see how I go!

The taste is good, but it lacks the body/mouthfeel that I’m used to, which I think is what I most struggle with, but I’m hoping that will change as I get used to it!

  • AdaOPA
    13 months ago

    That’s an Australian style long black, which is how I had it today.

    What I’m struggling with though, is that it feels too “thin”. It’s lacking the body that I’m used to.

      13 months ago

      Fellow Aussie here. Not sure where you are, but here in Melbourne I’ve found a few specialty cafes that serve a deconstructed long black… basically an espresso with a small cup of hot water on the side, so you can experiment with how much you want to dilute it.