Coffee fedi, help me out!

I’m getting more and more milk/lactose intolerant as I get older, but lactose free milk is too sweet for me.

I don’t sweeten my coffee, and even lactose free milk with no sweetener else makes my coffee too sweet.

So, what do I replace my milk with when I order coffee?

    • AdaOPA
      23 months ago

      I’ve tried. I have really really tried, but it feels too “thin” or something? I’m not sure what it is exactly, but it lacks something that I want in my coffee

        • AdaOPA
          13 months ago

          Oh, if only! That would make me a very happy girl! But it’s all just Australian style cafes around me :\

            13 months ago

            Sometimes you have to travel for good coffee. Sometimes you just have to drink what’s around. It’s always a risk to try a different coffee shop but as long as it’s not drive through coffee you should be OK