Bonus: what are your goals for the future (doesn’t have to be specific)

  • @ambrosiaforest
    153 months ago

    i’ve kinda hit a wall. im a minor so i need a gender dysphoria diagnosis before i can start hrt and my therapist and doctor wont write me a diagnosis so im kinda just stuck waiting. other than that im pretty good. ive socially transitioned in my family and my school and its going swimmingly (blahaj reference)

    • cowboycrustation [he/him]OPM
      53 months ago

      I know how that feels. It becomes an annoying waiting game at that point. Right when I turned eighteen I zoomed my ass over to an informed consent clinic and started. Good thing is that you’ve got something major to look forward to.

    • @ProbabalyAmber
      33 months ago

      Hi Amber! Always fun seeing another Amber in the wild, I wish you the best of luck!