• @zigmus64@lemmy.world
    24 months ago

    Please don’t misinterpret my “well acktshually” as a “don’t worry about” it statement. I absolutely believe people should arm themselves if they believe they need to. Trans people are definitely included in that statement. I also don’t discount the threat that Texas’s gender affirming care bill you reference poses to trans people, and really everyone. If they can wantonly make standard medical care for trans folks illegal, what’s going to stop them from making vasectomies illegal, or medically necessary hysterectomies? It’s fucking nonsense. The government should get out from between doctors and their patients.

    My point to make is, if they want to make a “mental illness” argument to take guns away from trans folks, they might have a difficult time…

    Not sure what the border patrol article has to do with the conversation… besides illustrating how much of an asshole Greg Abbot is.

    • @SoupBrick@yiffit.net
      4 months ago

      The border patrol thing was to show that Abbott is willing to go against the Federal government to pursue his culture war. Legality has little to nothing to do with some of the decisions he has made. I don’t like it when people portray the Republicans as stupid people who are all talk (not saying you did). They are causing legitimate harm and rarely having any real consequences for their actions.

      • @zigmus64@lemmy.world
        24 months ago

        I’ve had to come to terms long ago with the fact that some folks just don’t get held accountable.