Note: this is not a place to get professional counseling. If you have an emergency or are really struggling, the Trevor Project provides free 24/7 crisis counseling for LGBTQ people.

  • @Amelia_
    44 months ago

    Yesterday I had my consultation appointment for laser hair removal. Their office was very cute and smelled nice and full of really really pretty girls, even though the appointment went well I had this massive surge of imposter syndrome and had to stop myself crying in the waiting room! And then I went home and made myself a burger that I had been looking forward to, but it ended up being a bit bad.

    So my week has been kinda mixed! 😂

    • cowboycrustation [he/him]OPM
      24 months ago

      You did it. Congratulations!!!

      That’s shitty with your burger…might have to find a better recipe and have a better one next time to celebrate.