• @Letstakealook@lemm.ee
    214 months ago

    Uhhh… a a renter, there a lot of issues that need to be addressed in the market. My asshole neighbors not having pets is not one of them. In fact, pet owners contribute to the shittiness of my situation. Fuck 'em.

      • @Letstakealook@lemm.ee
        114 months ago

        Based on what? Not wanting to step in your dog’s shit and listen to it bark incessantly in tight living quarters with little soundproofing? 🤡

        You’re an entitled piece of shit who makes the lives of everyone around you worse. Marinate on that, though your narcissism is likely in the way.

        • @Microplasticbrain@lemm.ee
          104 months ago

          Yo dawg, people are getting pissed at you but after living next to some shitty dogs I can understand the trauma that leads to someone not wanting to live next to shitty dog owners. After 5 years of my neighbor’s sheep hearding dog’s barking I reported them to animal control for letting their dog roam off leash and I’ve never slept better. I would have reported the barking but its actually much harder to report barking since you need 2 other neighbors to agree and all these boomers around me are buddies.