Most medical literature on trans people assumes that the vast majority of trans people started getting gender dysphoria since being small children. I suspect that a good portion of us got it later than that.

What was your experience with this?

  • Icalasari
    65 months ago

    I don’t actually know when, just that it clicked when I finally played as the girl option in a Pokemon game and it felt so right. Mind, part of what made it so slow is that I’m genderfluid, so there were enough times I was firm enough in my identity that, combined with going to a Christian Catholic school, made the times I switch easier to… Well, ignore

    • zea
      45 months ago

      That sounds like how bisexual people can be sure they’re straight. Is that accurate?

      • Icalasari
        25 months ago

        Funny thing there, also bisexual and it also took a long time to figure that out for the same reasons

        Catholic school, where self discovery goes to die

    • Ari [she/her]
      45 months ago

      Yeah, I can kinda relate. For me, playing as a girl in games was really one of the few coping mechanisms I had before I started transitioning. Just made me feel correct, y’know? Aside from that pretty much just gender bender anime, couldn’t get enough of that stuff.