• Leraje
    1 year ago

    Hopefully, a slightly different perspective here…

    Religion is not interchangeable with theism. Many people, including me, are religious whilst also being atheists. Depending on the source, religion can be defined as a supernatural based idea (god/gods) or (the way I see it) more like Emile Durkheim saw it “a unified system of beliefs and practices […] which unite into one single moral community called a church, all those who adhere to them.”

    So, for me, religion gives me a sense of community, support and a structure to guide me. It doesn’t rule me and I don’t have to worship or pray to a supernatural being that doesn’t exist. So in my (biased) view, I get the good bits of religion without the shitty awful bits such as telling everyone only my religion is right, telling everyone what to do based on what I think and generally being an arsehole.

    Most people like some type of community because we are, at bottom, social creatures. My own religion allows me to be both individualistic and also part of a community and I think a lot of people feel that their religion gives them that sense of community. A more worrying aspect of religion is theistic religion - worship of a supernatural being/beings - because that is irrational, which is not in itself a concern, but when whole societies are controlled via theism then people suffer.

      • Leraje
        1 year ago

        That’s kind of my point. There is no god (or at least not one I believe in), my religion is an atheist based one. The morals that we have are our own, we don’t see them as anything other than that. I don’t want anyone to feel that I’m trying to evangelise or recruit here so I’m not going to go into details, but if you want to, follow the link to community I moderate thats in my profile and there are outgoing links on that community.