• @aew360@lemm.ee
    956 months ago

    Dismally looking forward to when they don’t vote for Biden and then Trump’s back in office and he gives Netanyahu the green light to kill as many as he wants

    • @Cosmonauticus@lemmy.world
      696 months ago

      Well what are they suppose to do? Kiss his ass because he’s not as bad as Trump? I don’t see the issue with pointing out the hypocrisy of supplying weapons to a genocide while calling for peace at the location of a mass shooting.

      • @GentlemanLoser@ttrpg.network
        6 months ago

        Kiss his ass? No.

        Vote for him because he’s the alternative to a waking nightmare for a large part of my fellow Americans? Yes

        Do I wish the system was better? Yes. And to that point I’m voting for the guy who still believes in government and rule of law. If I ever want the system to change, I need to vote for the party that is interested in governance.

        If they vote for Trump they’re a garbage human. If they abstain, they’re a coward hiding behind “muh principles” while our neighbors have their rights stripped away.

        Edit: fucking tankies lol

        • JDPoZ
          366 months ago

          I always hate it when people tell me that I should eat the food that guy A farted on, because guy B will shit on it… rather than us together being able to say “hey maybe people shouldn’t be sticking their asses on our food.”

          …But without fail, that same person saying “everyone should be so thankful for guy A” seems to almost enjoy scolding those complaining about ass touching their food more-so than even fathoming to recognize that maaaaaaaaybe “guy A should stop farting on people’s plates.”

          • @surewhynotlem@lemmy.world
            306 months ago

            First past the post voting is horrible. But until we get ranked choice, either hold your nose and vote, or understand that not voting is EXACTLY EQUIVALENT to a vote for whoever you hate most.

            CPG grey did a great video on why first past the post sucks.

            • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
              186 months ago

              Well said. And we’re NEVER going to get ranked vote with Biden or the current Democrats. Voting Democrat only keeps the two party gig going longer. How long has it been now, 150 years of the same back and forth?

              Unless they start to feel the need to change anything they will never do it if you keep voting for them when they act like this.

        • GodlessCommie
          266 months ago

          Claiming to support a better system while refusing to abandon the current one that doesn’t work is performative. Biden does not believe in rule of law or the rights of humans. He and the DNC needs to be abandoned.

          • @Rolder@reddthat.com
            156 months ago

            Difference is, if you vote for Trump or just don’t vote and Trump gets back in, that will make it WAY harder to change the system.

            • GodlessCommie
              56 months ago

              This is whats called bullshit hyperbole. Your statement assumes that if we vote blue hard enough the DNC they will change course and become representatives of the working class, and that reform can come from within the party. 50 years of ‘lesser evil’ has gone from indiscriminately locking up black men to full on genocide, and voters solution is reelect the people doing it.

              • @Rolder@reddthat.com
                76 months ago

                No, my point was that letting trump back in would make any and all change nigh impossible for the foreseeable future

                • GodlessCommie
                  36 months ago

                  No it won’t. There’s this insane idea among liberals that everything democrats do take time and small incremental steps. And everything Republicans do is instant and everlasting.

          • AnonTwo
            6 months ago

            So you have no domestic policies you care about? Like being able to vote against genocide in the future? Cause Trump has a lot of policies in mind that would seem to prevent doing anything about that later down the line.

            I can’t even call it shortsighted because it’s not like the other option is even going to help things short term. If anything the other option is just going to be even worse. So I don’t really get the stance other than a nihilistic “let everything burn” response.

            • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
              26 months ago

              Forget about the Nazi genocide, think about your student loans!

              It’s like watching poor billionaires not giving a shit about anyone but themselves.

          • @Kecessa@sh.itjust.works
            6 months ago

            Better than not voting and ending up with a lot of genocide… Or maybe you want to go tell the people of Gaza that you’re an accelerationist and just had to let things become worse in order for them to potentially get better?

            • @bhmnscmm@lemmy.world
              6 months ago

              I see… Voting in support of the current genocide is an act of compassion. Right.

              As if voting blue, red, or not at all are the only options. I’m voting for the person who I decide deserves my vote. Not in support of the status quo.

              • AnonTwo
                86 months ago

                I assume you’ve put forth a lot of grassroot efforts in the many years in advance to give your group relevance right? You wouldn’t just make a meaningless vote to someone with no realistic chance in order to posture right?

              • @Kecessa@sh.itjust.works
                76 months ago

                And thanks to people like you, the group that holds itself together the most (the right) has more chances to win.

                You hate the current system? That’s perfectly fine! It’s still the system by which rules you need to play may you like it or not!

              • HACKthePRISONS
                36 months ago

                I’m leaning towards Cornel West but Jill Stein can still win me back. do you have a preference there?

          • @Bytemeister@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            Voting to support a little genocide, vs not voting and allowing a big genocide… Now where have I seen a philosophical problem like that before…

        • @fiercekitten@lemm.ee
          26 months ago

          If we want the system to change, we have to get involved in local politics: pass Ranked Choice Voting, form and cultivate third parties to be viable alternatives, work to get money out politics. RCV is a very attainable goal.

          Sadly, I believe the only other option is revolution; that’s our current reality. I don’t see any other peaceful way that we could fix our corrupt and broken government. We no longer have a functioning federal government and democracy; we have an oligarchy and a political party that’s gone off the deep end into total fascism and Dominionism, with supporters who have started committing acts of terrorism when we push back against them.

    • @Strawberry
      6 months ago

      Absolutely, therefore they should shut the fuck up and not pressure the sitting President about his support of an ongoing genocidal terror campaign. Smh voters getting uppity, don’t they know it’s an election year

      • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
        186 months ago

        It’s important that Biden doesn’t even FEEL like this will affect his chances.

        He must look at the current polls and go “looks like we can keep this genocide going for another 4 years, it’s pretty popular”.

        Get back in line and bow to your god emperor Genocide Joe!

    • @djsoren19@yiffit.net
      236 months ago

      Biden can denounce the genocide of Palestine at any time. Instead he has been bypassing congress to fast track more weapons to Israel. At this point, the only difference between Biden’s response and a theoretical Trump response is that Trump would probably try to get some boots on the ground.

      If threatening to elect Trump is what it takes for Biden to stop sending U.S ammunition directly into the heads of Palestinian children, then the ends will have justified the means.

      • AnonTwo
        6 months ago

        the only difference between Biden’s response and a theoretical Trump response is that Trump would probably try to get some boots on the ground.

        Wait how is boots on the ground just treated as a “whatever”? That’s usually pretty big isn’t it?

        • @djsoren19@yiffit.net
          56 months ago

          Trump would try. I don’t know if Netanyahu would ask for troops, and I don’t know if Trump and the GQP would be able to fabricate enough evidence for the U.S. public to stomach a foreign war against Hamas, but I know Trump is stupid enough that he’d make a grand, sweeping statement about putting U.S. troops in Gaza before anything was approved.

          • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
            16 months ago

            Doubt it. Trump wants his troops at the border to harass Mexicans.

            In all his years Trump didn’t start a single war. He even withdrew from Afghanistan.

            Chances are higher of Biden starting a war with Iran than Trump.

            • @djsoren19@yiffit.net
              26 months ago

              That might be fair, and maybe Trump would just be shoveling weapons to the Israelis as fast as they could buy them.

              However, he’d also be providing zero support for the Ukrainians, and would probably be arguing to cease even more support to Ukraine in favor of support to Israel. While I do not support the genocide of Palestine, I also do not support the idea of Putin grinding Ukraine to dust to suit his ego. Considering Trump would gladly be complicit to both, I’ll still eventually have to vote for Biden.

              I just want him to fucking work a bit for it.

              • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
                6 months ago

                Well israel can’t win a war against Iran and their neighbours without US help. Netanyahu is doing everything he can to escalate the war with Lebanon and Biden is only supporting him.

                Biden received more israeli lobby money than Trump.

                1 Biden, Joe (D) President $3,753,244

                2 Trump, Donald ® President $894,032

                Almost 4 times as much. And that’s just open money.

                I’m still on the fence and learning more every day, but it seems to me like Biden is unironcally more Genocidal than Trump.

                That said, don’t vote for either of those maniacs. Cornel West, Jill Stein, many alternatives that don’t support genocide.

                • mrnotoriousman
                  16 months ago

                  Seriously the guy who would have let both Israel AND Russia do whatever they please is less.l genocidal? Mind blowing

                  • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
                    16 months ago

                    Letting israel do as they please is not the problem. Giving them billions in free weapons and bypassing Congress to enable them to do it is the problem.

      • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Genocide Joe is bypassing Congress to send them weapons while israeli terrorists and IDF Nazis are mass murdering civilians in the west bank to steal their houses. And committing genocide in Gaza

        And you believe that they would have opposed him?

        Biden would give Netanyahu a handy if he told him to

        • @Rolder@reddthat.com
          26 months ago

          Mass murdering fucking lmao. If that were the case they should just launch some napalm and call it a day.

          • @aew360@lemm.ee
            36 months ago

            It’s just so rich how much they care about Palestinians (as they should) but were outright supportive of Russia and its “brave war against NATO”. We read about the murdering of Ukrainians daily but they never cared about that. And by they, I mean the terminally online tankie communities. I remember seeing people discussing if the Iranian Shahed drones could hopefully help the Russians. How fucking bizarre they are.

            • @PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world
              16 months ago

              Must be some hex-bear people. I’m not seeing any of it in the chat, but that’s because Lemme.world is defederated.

    • a lil bee 🐝
      196 months ago

      Populists don’t roll with this logic. Any blemish on the part of someone they vote for, they consider their own. You can’t reconcile harm reduction with this mindset, because you have to hate anyone who isn’t 100% in alignment with your ideology. So, you get the rightist populists tossing McCarthy out for keeping the gov open, and the leftist populists willing to let the country burn because Biden can’t unilaterally control Netanyahu’s gov or abandon one of the few Western footprints in the middle east. And they never consider the consequences for doing nothing theirs to own. Inaction is bowing out for populists, while you recognize it as what it is, a choice of its own with consequences. Even once the consequences are upon us, they’ll just blame Biden, the DNC, whatever. Responsibility and owning your choices is anathema to populism.

    • @Octagon9561@lemmy.ml
      6 months ago

      They’re both fascists. The issue is the whole undemocratic American voting system.

      I’m not gonna vote for Mussolini just because I think he’s better than Hitler.

      We need anti government protests on a massive scale. No amount of voting will ever “fix” this country.

      • @paris
        86 months ago

        Anti-government protests on a massive scale don’t just happen. They are organized. They are backed by mutual aid networks. It’s easy to sit back and say “I’m not voting for either option because this whole system is bad,” but have you done literally any work at all to make the system less bad? Or to build up real alternatives? If the entire American voting system is undemocratic, what have you done in your local community to make your community’s voice heard outside of that system?

        I see so many people who are terminally online say they don’t want to participate in a broken system, and exactly zero of them do any work outside of (not) voting to fix the problems they see in their community. If you’re not gonna do the bare minimum and vote every four years for the least bad option, you better be doing literally any other real-world political work. Otherwise you’re just as complicit in the system you have such an issue with.

        Tldr: the revolution is not right around the corner; you will not be saved. Do some actual political legwork instead of sitting on your ass complaining the whole time. Complaining is easy. Fixing is hard.

        • @go_go_gadget@lemmy.world
          16 months ago

          I see so many people who are terminally online say they don’t want to participate in a broken system, and exactly zero of them do any work outside of (not) voting to fix the problems they see in their community.

          I’ve never seen you do anything for your community either.

    • Alien Nathan Edward
      36 months ago

      It’s not just okay to vote for someone and then yell at them, it’s vital to a functioning democracy to vote for the person whose values most closely reflect your own, and then to yell at them in an effort to force their values closer to yours.

      • @aew360@lemm.ee
        16 months ago

        Yelling won’t work but delivering Trump a second consecutive election defeat and a third consecutive popular vote loss is what will actually get the country back on track.

        My solution is pragmatic while yours is ideological.

        • Alien Nathan Edward
          46 months ago

          my solution is “vote for biden and then organize, agitate and protest to get his administration to do better”. yours seems to be “vote for biden” with no followup. Why are you so desperate for enemies that you’re chiding leftists even when they do what you want?

          • @aew360@lemm.ee
            36 months ago

            Oh shit I thought you were saying you weren’t voting for Biden lol. I actually agree with you. Thats my bad