AoC has ended for the year! Congrats to everyone who participated

Here are some stats from the instance leaderboard

Top 10 Users

  1. SekoiaTree
  2. Leo Uino
  3. Michon van Dooren
  4. funnyboy-roks
  5. PhiliPdB
  6. jhuang97
  7. Alex Utter
  8. hades
  9. Jindřich Ivánek
  10. abclop99

Misc Stats

  • 91 Users got at least 1 star
  • 14 Users got 50 stars
  • Sekoia
    9 months ago

    Ohai! Didn’t expect to actually be first lol, Leo Uino beat me for most of december. I guess they stopped doing them when they came out later in december (totally understandable)