A Washington Post investigation found no proof of a Hamas command center under al-Shifa Hospital following Israel’s attack on the medical complex.

  • @Altofaltception@lemmy.world
    787 months ago

    You mean Israel lied?

    Shocked Pikachu face

    Now don’t expect any outrage from world leaders over this. In classic “Iraq has WMD” fashion we’re just going to shrug and say “well they’re there anyway” and move on with our lives.

    • @LaLiLuLuCo@lemmy.ca
      7 months ago

      Israel didn’t lie, the Washington Post did. Probably for sweet Qatari ad money.

      One of the tunnel rooms had a recent air conditioning installation deep under ground.

      International media coverage has been trash and doesn’t even bother anymore.

      After the Shifa hospital director bold faced lied about the generator configuration why should anyone take their denials seriously. The IDF left 300L of fuel for them to run their (N) ICU which according to openly published research on their hospital would run their two generators for over a day. The currently under arrest director claimed it would barely last 30 minutes. There’s another hospital director now on record about the hospitals being used for torture and command centers. There’s also security footage of hostages being brought back to Shifa. Several hostages’ bodies were recovered from the Shifa complex area.

      Not to mention it’s been a fact Shifa was used like this for going on 10 years if not longer. Western media only pays attention when there’s Qatari ad money floating around.

      https://www.timesofisrael.com/gaza-hospital-director-admits-hamas-used-medical-complex-as-operational-hub/ here’s it on a record that international news media doesn’t even bother to watch before publishing libelous bull shit to get literal slave state Ad dollars.

      • @JimboDHimbo@lemmy.ca
        7 months ago

        Times of Israel is just one of the many propaganda funnels that the Israeli government uses. That doctor admitted to the accusations while under duress.

          • @JimboDHimbo@lemmy.ca
            327 months ago

            That exact article was removed from the World community for being pro Israeli propaganda bullshit, you can check your comment on that post (I just took a look at your post history) and you will see that it was removed.

            • @LaLiLuLuCo@lemmy.ca
              7 months ago

              It’s not propaganda bullshit but it’s good to know the mods are removing factual reporting that don’t match their feelings.

              It’s just makes you all less credible.

              Claiming Times of Israel is pro government is peak stupid.

              • @lolcatnip@reddthat.com
                107 months ago

                If you want to do more than just shout and point fingers, show us some examples of TOI reporting on the ongoing genocide that doesn’t just repeat the government’s position.

                • @LaLiLuLuCo@lemmy.ca
                  7 months ago

                  You can literally just go read the live blog.

                  Yea the ongoing attempted genocide of Israelis sucks.

                  Good thing the military response is halting it. Shame about all the human shields and child soldiers. The UN needs to not be allowed to run the schools to prevent it from happening again just like Germany.

          • @Albatross2724@lemmy.world
            57 months ago

            Ah yes. The independent, left-leaning credible propaganda mouthpiece for a fascist right-wing terrorist state propped up by the western money faucet. Please indulge us with your regional education that is no way relying on regurgitated talking points from Joseph fucking Goebbels.

          • @lolcatnip@reddthat.com
            47 months ago

            I guess if a site with a name like “Media Bias Fact Check” says it, they couldn’t be biased themselves.

              • NoneOfUrBusiness
                17 months ago

                … Most of the time. I’m still salty about the rating they give Mondoweiss for being somehow anti-Semitic (it’s a site made and run by an Israeli Jew that explicitly aims for a Jewish perspective on Israeli issues) . And their ratings are sometimes arbitrary.

      • Leraje
        167 months ago

        Yes, the guy who wasn’t director at Shifa hospital currently sporting a long sleeved padded jacket who’s just been interrogated by the Israeli army is definitely a reliable source.

        • @LaLiLuLuCo@lemmy.ca
          37 months ago

          The guy who was a hospital director at a different hospital and no one is denying that. The guy who is an officer in Hamas.

          • Leraje
            87 months ago

            The guy who was a hospital director at a different hospital and no one is denying that.

            And yet, this article is about Shifa and the IDF’s ‘reasons’ for targeting it. Reasons so flimsy they failed to find a command centre under it, failed to find a significant amount of weaponry and doctored video evidence to make their case look better.

            The guy who is an officer in Hamas.

            Again, a claim made by a guy just interrogated by the Israeli’s.

      • @Altofaltception@lemmy.world
        157 months ago

        The tl;dr of that Wikipedia page is essentially: Israeli sources claim Hamas uses it, all others say the evidence is inconclusive.