This post was made by Fediverse gang.

  • @Catoblepas
    166 months ago

    It’s because bigots will blanket down vote any and everything in queer instances.

    Try holding a conversation when posts are all sitting in the negatives and nobody sees them unless they go directly to the community and sort by new.

      166 months ago

      Ok but as someone who used to mod large trans subreddits that’s less what their mo was compared to brigading with posts and comments and sending threatening messages.

      • @Catoblepas
        36 months ago

        Obviously that’s a much bigger problem and I don’t doubt it happened a ton. From the user standpoint of someone trying to just use the community, it’s incredibly disheartening (especially if you have no IRL community to reach out to) to post, have a post go to 0 or negatives within minutes, and then ignored. When I still used reddit I would frequently see posts from people asking why everything was downvoted so quickly, which probably just encouraged the people who were doing it.

    • freamon
      76 months ago

      lemmynsfw has implemented (or intends to) an interesting compromise, in that you can only downvote posts on that instance’s communities that you’re already subscribed to. Ideally, this means that downvotes are for the quality of the individual post, rather than as a reaction to the type of content.