Discord has expanded its Hateful Conduct Policy to explicitly include prohibitions against misgendering and deadnaming in a policy update. Accompanying this policy update, Discord has also implemented a comprehensive warning system to enforce these guidelines effectively.

  • @squirrelOPM
    957 months ago

    Everybody knows that these claims are bullshit. “1st Amendment rights” is the biggest dog whistle for bigots that they claim whenever their disrespectful conduct has consequences. You don’t give a flying fuck about other people’s “1st Amendment rights” when it isn’t your racist, sexist or transphobic friends. Otherwise you’d be up in arms against book bans, but your kind cheers for them and every other effort to silence people you don’t like.

      • @rtxn@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        Regardless of your claimed allegiance, your interpretation of 1A is still incorrect.

        As a private entity, Discord is allowed to decide what content it permits and what it prohibits on its own platform. Especially in the case of online harrassment, a “let’s talk it out” attitude will get you nowhere.

      • @squirrelOPM
        477 months ago

        Honestly, I don’t care what you think you are. When you react to the news that there are consequences for transphobia with Fox News-style whining about the end of “freeze peach”, says pretty much everything anyone needs to know about you: You are a hypocrite who is A-OK with transphobia, bullying and harassment, but attempts to hide the obvious behind a veneer of plausible deniability, ie. the usual slew of right-wing talking points. John Stewart, my ass.

        • @vzq
          157 months ago

          He’s probably nodding his head unironically now.

      • @vzq
        187 months ago

        /me scratches “Bernie bro” off his bingo card.