• Maggoty@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Hey I just convicted you of harming public order. Get in prison.

      What’s that? You didn’t do anything? Oh no that doesn’t matter, you were convicted by an illegal military court.

    • TempermentalAnomaly@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      What a disingenuous piece of quote sniping. Scroll down a little bit and you see this:

      Around 8,300 Palestinian prisoners are currently held in Israeli jails, said Qadura Fares, head of the Palestinian Commission for Detainees and Ex-Prisoners’ Affairs.

      More than 3,000 of them are being held in what Israel calls “administrative detention,” Fares told CNN, adding that this means they are being held without knowing the charges against them, and without an ongoing legal process.

      And you go to that extremely left publication, NBC, and you see this:

      Roughly 80% of those on the list were not convicted of any crimes. They were either charged with crimes that had not yet been prosecuted, or were detained under a practice known as administrative detention, whereby Israel holds Palestinians in the occupied territories with no formal charges or evidence presented against them.

      Honestly, what was the point of posting this?