• qprimed
        11 months ago

        the dev for RedReader (minimalist and awesome FLOSS reddit client) has indicated RR will be targeting Lemmy as soon as Lemmy instances smooth out after an anticipated load ramp up from reddit defectors. I am sure others are planning the same thing.

        • @MRPP@sopuli.xyz
          311 months ago

          Absolutely great news. RedReader was my go-to app for a while now. The absolute dedication to function over form is/was praise-worthy.

        • @Guy_Fieris_Hair@lemmy.ml
          211 months ago

          Probably not just waiting for instances to smooth out, but waiting to see if reddit actually follows through. I think they likely will, but there is an off chance heads roll when they realize all the people creating, aggregating, and moderating their site are the ones that are pissed off and leaving. The casuals may not care directly about this decision, but they will when the content goes to shit.

        • @radarsat1@lemmy.ml
          511 months ago

          While I agree that porting one of these great reddit clients to a new platform like Lemmy is the way to go, I don’t see why it should be done by the individual developer instead of treated as a community effort. We’ll just end up in the same boat again where he’s piggy backing on another project (Lemmy, etc) to build a closed-source business that only he profits from. And while I have no problem with people selling apps they wrote, if none of these developers are going to open source their work so that the community can participate, I’d rather see a longer term effort go into improving FOSS solutions.

      • Mcbinary
        511 months ago

        I’m using jerboa currently. Albeit very new to the app, but I’m still a bit put off by the lack of options for personization and features. It also desperately needs an in app browser so all the links stop sending me out of the app.

        There is definitely potential here, but leaves a lot to be desired.

      • @Scaldart@lemmy.world
        111 months ago

        Yeah, honestly it isn’t too bad. I was a little put-off by the size of everything at first, but, when I checked the settings, there is an option to change the size of the font—and that really helped.

        All in all, it isn’t perfect, but I am enjoying it so far. I look forward to seeing it grow and improve!