Hey! Thanks to the whole Reddit mess, I’ve discovered the fediverse and its increidible wonders and I’m lovin’ it :D

I’ve seen another post about karma, and after reading the comments, I can see there is a strong opinion against it (which I do share). I’d love to hear your opinions, what other method/s would you guys implement? If any ofc

  • Coskii
    2 years ago

    This was basically my idea, though as I’ve been reading through other people’s posts and thinking about it a bit harder, I’d rather have something like an accolade system, which is basically what you described except the accolades or emojis available are decided either by op or by topic.

    Personally I don’t think negative options are terribly important, however I can see how in some cases they would be useful to have.

    I would hope that there would be a quick limit of 2 or 3 accolades per topic, and having the topic sorted by whichever accolade people would be interested in. Such as a science post being sorted by either “informative” or “accurate” replies.

    A more general topic like Pic sharing could have a few different accolades to give the post a quick tag to be sorted by. Things like “cute”, “interesting”, or “gross”.

    Users would gain a small color bar of accolades as they use the platform with an overall number of all of them and a brief breakdown of which accolades they have the most of.

    To keep it tidy, we’d just need to create a short but useful list of accolades that would fit pretty much any type of content we can imagine, and I’d be interested in seeing a few “super accolades” for certain account types, such as bots.