• @TootSweet@lemmy.world
    1308 months ago

    Fuck Biden and fuck Putin.

    (Even though I did vote for Biden in 2020 and plan to again in 2024 if he’s the Democratic nominee.)

    • @surewhynotlem@lemmy.world
      828 months ago

      Exactly this. Fuck this lesser of two evils that I have to vote for because two party systems suck.

      But no one is loud about that because it’s obvious.

      That said, he’s done some pretty ok things in office. He’s just also done some pretty horrible things. Net net, I think it’s been mediocre.

          • @SlikPikker@lemmy.ca
            28 months ago

            Strikes, occupations and uhm very persuasive in person arguments are some of the things that have worked historically.

            Bringing a Constitution and Guillotine did work out in the end for the Danish worker’s movement of 1848, when the king conceded. A violent uprising was averted.

      • HubertManne
        188 months ago

        whats your measuring stick? mine is other presidents and by that he is near the top for me.

      • @damnthefilibuster@lemmy.world
        58 months ago

        If you think two party system suck, just don’t hope for a multiparty system. Those suck even more. You never know which idiot will end up building a coalition and coming to power.

        • HubertManne
          128 months ago

          yeah I don’t see much issue in that given the idiots we get now. At least the others have to juggle their coalition and are subject to no confidence votes and the opposition has a shadow cabinet ready to go.

          • @BrandoGil@lemmy.world
            58 months ago

            The two party system also juggles coalitions, but we know them most popularly as voting blocks in the general population or caucuses in the parties. This is one of the reasons Sinema and Manchin held so much power from '20-'22. Our caucuses and voting blocks don’t always give power to individuals, but mostly to agendas.

        • @surewhynotlem@lemmy.world
          38 months ago

          Could you point to an example of a multi party democracy that produced something as bad as trump? I’m not aware of any, but I’m not well versed.

      • @Beldarofremulak@lemmy.world
        128 months ago

        Everyone has to either eat poop or glass. It’s going to suck either way but one way is going to significantly suck more than the other. Guess what? There’s a vote tomorrow and if you don’t vote then you might have to eat the worst one. Do you just not vote and prove a point to your non-existent audience or vote for the lesser of two evils?

      • @Smoogs@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        Because bipartisan is about voting for the lesser evil to ruin your life. Being complacent just relinquishes to an assurance it will be the shittiest because the bigger voting population are looking for the easiest way to fuck you up. Voting is that easy way for them. They don’t even care that they will be fucked over by it too. They just can’t stand someone out there will have sex with someone they did not approve of and apparently this is more important to them than accessible healthcare or slowing climate change.