• cassie 🐺
    11 months ago

    You obviously have the right to like or dislike whatever suits you. But tolerance is a requirement for society to function. Our likes and dislikes come from individual perspective, and no one individual can see the whole picture. Tolerance is a way of accounting for that on an individual level by broadening the bounds of what we deem acceptable by some amount, which allows us to cooperate in a broader, complex society. Generally all this means is lending people the benefit of the doubt if they’re not actively harming someone.

    It’s hard to know what exactly pisses you off about this, because you haven’t mentioned specifics about what controversial opinions you have, only that you have a right to have them. And fair’s fair, some people would take some opinions away from you on social media platforms, or enact harsh penalties for holding hateful beliefs, and I am not really down with that. I’m optimistic about people and do my best to come at these things with respect, and believe in people’s ability to learn and grow. I’m wrong and learn things all the time, it’s a good thing!

    But man, I gotta say that grace is difficult to offer sometimes. I’m trans, and you’d be surprised how quickly “basic human decency” fades as soon as that comes up sometimes. One example of too fucking many: when I came out, my folks disowned me on the spot. They framed much of it in more or less the same rhetoric you use here - personal truth > your feelings, don’t bring it up if you don’t want my opinion, I can’t match other people’s values, “tolerant” people are actually the intolerant ones, etc. Between the accusations of autogynephilia and furious bloviating about the sanctity of their opinions, there was no room to just honestly talk - and so therefore, nobody learned anything.

    This line of thinking shuts down opposition by dominating the discussion with your opinions and feelings and crying foul when people feel the need to engage you about it. Unfortunately, this presents a brick wall that not only seals yourself from critique, but also seals yourself from having your views challenged and learning more about the world. It’s good for no one and only serves to weaken the social fabric of society.

      • cassie 🐺
        11 months ago

        Very cute of you, but I’ve got bigger worries than whether or not internet strangers care about my opinion. Enjoy your bubble.

          • cassie 🐺
            11 months ago

            Naw, it’s just the healthiest way I’ve found to approach people online. Lead with earnestness and a desire to understand, don’t sweat it when people shut you out - helps with finding the good folks in a hostile world. If you’re so truly indifferent, why respond in the first place?

              • cassie 🐺
                11 months ago

                I get on with a lot of people irl, across the political spectrum. I don’t tend to bring up politics unless it’s already being discussed. Unfortunately, my existence is somewhat political so it gets brought up for me. I wish it wasn’t like that, but I do have to deal with people who would rather I don’t exist and that is not something I can be indifferent toward. The only thing I ask for when I ask for tolerance, is the benefit of the doubt. It’s not a way to feel better about myself, it’s self-preservation.

                I don’t yet understand why you’re so pissed off, why you assume so much about someone over the internet you’ve never met, or why you talk like you’re forced to respond to me. With respect - you’re interesting.

      • Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        No it isn’t. Watch this. I stopped reading there because I’m indifferent to anything you have to say about it

        Hey wow, I didn’t catch this earlier, but you’re a hypocrite too. Doing the exact thing here you tried to call me out for almost word for word, right about at the same time. Incredible. You truly are a piece of work