Does it matter which lemmy server I join?

and if yes, what are some trusted and good servers?


  • Cevilia (she/they/…)
    1 year ago

    It matters a little.

    To be able to see the rest of the fediverse (i.e. all the other Lemmy and KBin servers) your home server must be operational, and must “federate” with them.

    The admins of each server can decide how much of the rest of the federation (i.e. all the other Lemmy and kbin servers) you can and cannot see. They could choose to just allow everything - however, you will quickly find yourself swamped by abusive and bot accounts. They could also choose to allow nothing, limiting their users to just the one server. Neither of these extremes are optimal, so the admins have to decide where they want to draw the line.

    If you are able to find a server owner whose interests, or at least their philosophy, aligns with yours, this will give you the best experience. For example, the server I’m on ( is heavily moderated to create a safe space for LGBTQIA+ people.