A brilliant film emerged from these skirmishes – but its core insight still takes work to unpack. For generations, a persistent myth that black families were irreparably broken by sloth and hedonism had been perpetuated by US culture. Congress’s landmark 1965 Moynihan Report, for example, blamed persistent racial inequality not on stymied economic opportunity but on the “tangle of pathologies” within the black family. Later, politicians circulated stereotypes of checked-out “crackheads” and lazy “welfare queens” to tar black women as incubators of thugs, delinquents, and “superpredators”. American History X made the bold move of shifting the spotlight away from the maligned black family and on to the sphere of the white family, where it illuminated a domestic scene that was a fertile ground for incubating racist ideas.

  • girlfreddyOP
    28 months ago

    … on a large scale.

    In the 90’s it was still not nationwide. Now it is, in America, Canada, the UK, Israel, China, and even some African nations have become nationalist … but back when this movie came out that was unheard of.

    • roguetrick
      8 months ago

      Yeah, that’s a lack of understanding on your part. John birch society, national alliance in the US. OKC bombings were largely inspired by literature put out by the thankfully dead founder of the national alliance. National front in the UK. Israel… I mean was founded in coalition with nationalist terrorists so I don’t know where that’s coming from.

      • girlfreddyOP
        38 months ago

        I’m over 60 so not misunderstanding anything. And you’re calling Jewish people “national terrorists” is fucking nazi bs.

        Gtfo asshole.

        • @Riccosuave@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          Israel… I mean was founded in coalition with nationalist terrorists so I don’t know where that’s coming from.

          I hate to tell you, but this isn’t hyperbolic. Israel was absolutely founded in part by an ultra-nationalist, ethno-supremacist, terrorist organization. Founding members of Lehi went on to form Likud as well.

          Lehi (militant group)

        • roguetrick
          8 months ago

          I’m calling Irgun nationalist terrorists, who were in coalition in founding Israel alongside Labor Zionists(who I don’t believe are nationalist terrorists). If you don’t think that label applies to Irgun you’re a whole hell of a lot more fascist adjacent than I am.

          Being 20 years older than me and ignorant ain’t something I’m impressed by.

        • Chuymatt
          18 months ago

          Not going to claim to know their thoughts, but they said Israel, not Jews. There is a real difference. One is a government the other is a cultural identity/religion.

      • Maeve
        28 months ago

        And stormfront has been around forever. Preceding Alex Jones?